G.ho.st provides every person in the world with a free Virtual Computer (VC). Like a Windows PC, or Mac, the VC is a personal computing environment which includes your desktop, your personal settings, your data and your choice of software applications. But unlike a PC, your VC is not installed on one physical computer - instead it is stored in a highly professional data center across the Internet, and it may be accessed from any Internet browser in the world. From any browser you can open G.ho.st, enter your username and password, and continue using your VC from exactly the state you had left it in.

Here are some key ways in which your G.ho.st VC is different to a PC :
- Available from any browser in the world instead of being installed on one machine .
- The operating system and the first 3GB of data storage are free .
- Software (namely Web-based software) can be run without installation .
- The computer is always up-to-date, secure and backed up with no action or cost on your part .
- Because it is online, the G.ho.st VC provides new possibilities for fun and collaboration, beyond what is available on a PC.
Key Features :
A "hosted" environment
- Your desktop, data, applications and settings are accessible from any Internet browser.
- Software is run without the need to install.
- The Operating System and software is updated with no action on your part.
Mature desktop
- Everything you would expect - Go (Start) Menu, task bar, system tray, icons.
- All the operations - Context (right-click) menus, mouseover data, drag-and-drop
G.ho.st Storage
- Professional hosted and backed-up disk space
- 3GB free and more for a modest fee
- Manage from your G.ho.st desktop or directly from Windows!
- Upload/download
- Launch files directly in G.ho.st desktop
My Items
- G.ho.st gives you smart shortcuts to your Web resources - bookmarks/favorites, files, photos, videos, music, products, and other resources which are public or which are kept for you by other Web service providers (such as Flickr, YouTube, Amazon and others) .
Inherently secure
- Runs in the "sand box" of your browser - G.ho.st has no access to your hard disk or local network.
- Your data is subject to the very highest standards of backup and security in a professional data center
Screen Shots

Google search

Image Library


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